Portfolio Photos
" I,ve got my own problems "
Description : When you are young your world gets bigger and bigger. Your world gets smaller when you get older and older. At each age the world has its dimension.
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" When leaves fall "
Description : At the end of the year, just before christmas in Rome you can let go. You can process all your impressions of that year and let them go like a tree, let the leaves go because you know, next year you'll get'm again fresh and new.
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 60 x 90 cm or 120 x 180 cm
" Trees in the Tiber "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 60 x 90 cm
" Clean up Art on Tiber wall "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 42 x 96 cm
" Stairway "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" Angelis "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" Temple Aesculapius "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 60 x 90 cm
" Guardiani della dell'obelisco "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 60 x 90 cm or 120 x 180 cm
" Risvegliare "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" Tranquillum "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 60 x 90 cm or 120 x 180 cm
" Exornato "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" Angelos "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" Valentini "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm
" Popolo "
serie: Autumn in Rome
media: C-Print
size: 96 x 64 cm